Source code for bbclib.libs.bbclib_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright (c) 2018

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import os
import sys

import binascii
import hashlib
import random
import time
from collections import Mapping

current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(current_dir, "../.."))

from bbclib.libs.bbclib_config import DEFAULT_ID_LEN

from bbclib.libs.bbclib_transaction import BBcTransaction
from bbclib.libs.bbclib_signature import BBcSignature
from bbclib.libs.bbclib_asset_raw import BBcAssetRaw
from bbclib.libs.bbclib_asset_hash import BBcAssetHash
from bbclib.libs.bbclib_asset import BBcAsset
from bbclib.libs.bbclib_relation import BBcRelation
from bbclib.libs.bbclib_reference import BBcReference
from bbclib.libs.bbclib_event import BBcEvent
from bbclib.libs.bbclib_pointer import BBcPointer
from bbclib.libs.bbclib_witness import BBcWitness
from bbclib.libs.bbclib_crossref import BBcCrossRef

[docs]def str_binary(dat): if dat is None: return "None" else: return binascii.b2a_hex(dat)
[docs]def get_new_id(seed_str=None, include_timestamp=True): """Return 256-bit binary data Args: seed_str (str): seed string that is hashed by SHA256 include_timestamp (bool): if True, timestamp (current time) is appended to the seed string Returns: bytes: 256-bit binary """ if seed_str is None: return get_random_id() if include_timestamp: seed_str += "%f" % time.time() return hashlib.sha256(bytes(seed_str.encode())).digest()
[docs]def get_random_id(): """Return 256-bit binary data Returns: bytes: 256-bit random binary """ source_str = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' output = "".join([random.choice(source_str) for x in range(16)]) return hashlib.sha256(bytes(output.encode())).digest()
[docs]def get_random_value(length=DEFAULT_ID_LEN): """Return random bytes Args: length (int): length of the result Returns: bytes: random bytes """ val = bytearray() for i in range(length): val.append(random.randint(0,255)) return bytes(val)
[docs]def convert_id_to_string(data, bytelen=DEFAULT_ID_LEN): """Convert binary data to hex string Args: data (bytes): data to convert bytelen (int): length of the result Returns: str: converted string """ res = binascii.b2a_hex(data) if len(res) < bytelen*2: res += "0"*(bytelen*2-len(res)) + res return res.decode()
[docs]def convert_idstring_to_bytes(datastr, bytelen=DEFAULT_ID_LEN): """Convert hex string to binary data Args: datastr (str): data to convert bytelen (int): length of the result Returns: bytes: converted byte data """ res = bytearray(binascii.a2b_hex(datastr)) if len(res) < bytelen: res = bytearray([0]*(bytelen-len(res)))+res return bytes(res)
[docs]def deep_copy_with_key_stringify(u, d=None): """Utility for updating nested dictionary""" if d is None: d = dict() for k, v in u.items(): if isinstance(k, bytes): k_str = k.decode() else: k_str = k # this condition handles the problem if not isinstance(d, Mapping): d = u elif isinstance(v, Mapping): r = deep_copy_with_key_stringify(v, d.get(k, {})) d[k_str] = r else: d[k_str] = u[k] return d
[docs]def make_transaction(event_num=0, relation_num=0, witness=False, version=1): """Utility to make transaction object Args: event_num (int): the number of BBcEvent object to include in the transaction relation_num (int): the number of BBcRelation object to include in the transaction witness (bool): If true, BBcWitness object is included in the transaction version (int): version of the transaction format Returns: BBcTransaction: """ transaction = BBcTransaction(version=version) if event_num > 0: for i in range(event_num): evt = BBcEvent() ast = BBcAsset() evt.add(asset=ast) transaction.add(event=evt) if relation_num > 0: for i in range(relation_num): transaction.add(relation=BBcRelation(version=version)) if witness: transaction.add(witness=BBcWitness()) return transaction
[docs]def add_relation_asset(transaction, relation_idx, asset_group_id, user_id, asset_body=None, asset_file=None): """Utility to add BBcRelation object with BBcAsset in the transaction Args: transaction (BBcTransaction): transaction object to manipulate relation_idx (int): the number of BBcRelation object to include in the transaction asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id of the asset in the object user_id (bytes): user_id of the owner of the asset asset_body (str|bytes|dict): asset data asset_file (bytes): file data (binary) for asset """ ast = BBcAsset(user_id=user_id, asset_file=asset_file, asset_body=asset_body) transaction.relations[relation_idx].add(asset_group_id=asset_group_id, asset=ast)
[docs]def add_relation_asset_raw(transaction, relation_idx, asset_group_id, asset_id=None, asset_body=None): """Utility to add BBcRelation object with BBcAssetRaw in the transaction Args: transaction (BBcTransaction): transaction object to manipulate relation_idx (int): the number of BBcRelation object to include in the transaction asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id of the asset in the object asset_id (bytes): the identifier of the asset asset_body (str|bytes|dict): asset data """ ast = BBcAssetRaw() transaction.relations[relation_idx].add(asset_group_id=asset_group_id, asset_raw=ast) ast.add(asset_id=asset_id, asset_body=asset_body)
[docs]def add_relation_asset_hash(transaction, relation_idx, asset_group_id, asset_ids=None): """Utility to add BBcRelation object with BBcAssetHash in the transaction Args: transaction (BBcTransaction): transaction object to manipulate relation_idx (int): the number of BBcRelation object to include in the transaction asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id of the asset in the object asset_ids (list(bytes)): list of the identifiers of assets """ ast = BBcAssetHash() transaction.relations[relation_idx].add(asset_group_id=asset_group_id, asset_hash=ast) ast.add(asset_ids=asset_ids)
[docs]def add_relation_pointer(transaction, relation_idx, ref_transaction_id=None, ref_asset_id=None): """Utility to add BBcRelation object with BBcPointer in the transaction Args: transaction (BBcTransaction): the base transaction object to manipulate relation_idx (int): the number of BBcRelation object to include in the transaction ref_transaction_id (bytes): transaction_id of the transaction that the base transaction object refers to ref_asset_id (bytes): asset_id of the asset that the transaction object refers to """ pointer = BBcPointer(transaction_id=ref_transaction_id, asset_id=ref_asset_id) transaction.relations[relation_idx].add(pointer=pointer)
[docs]def add_reference_to_transaction(transaction, asset_group_id, ref_transaction_obj, event_index_in_ref): """Utility to add BBcReference object in the transaction Args: transaction (BBcTransaction): the base transaction object to manipulate asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id of the asset in the object ref_transaction_obj (BBcTransaction): the transaction object that the base transaction object refers to event_index_in_ref (int): the number of BBcEvent object to include in the transaction that the base transaction object refers to Returns: BBcReference: """ ref = BBcReference(asset_group_id=asset_group_id, transaction=transaction, ref_transaction=ref_transaction_obj, event_index_in_ref=event_index_in_ref) if ref.transaction_id is None: return None transaction.add(reference=ref) return ref
[docs]def add_event_asset(transaction, event_idx, asset_group_id, user_id, asset_body=None, asset_file=None): """Utility to add BBcEvent object with BBcAsset in the transaction""" ast = BBcAsset(user_id=user_id, asset_file=asset_file, asset_body=asset_body)[event_idx].add(asset_group_id=asset_group_id, asset=ast)
[docs]def make_relation_with_asset(asset_group_id, user_id, asset_body=None, asset_file=None): """Utility to make BBcRelation object with BBcAsset Args: asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id of the asset in the object user_id (bytes): user_id of the owner of the asset asset_body (str|bytes|dict): asset data asset_file (bytes): file data (binary) for asset Returns: BBcRelation: created BBcRelation object """ relation = BBcRelation() ast = BBcAsset(user_id=user_id, asset_file=asset_file, asset_body=asset_body) relation.add(asset_group_id=asset_group_id, asset=ast) return relation
[docs]def make_relation_with_asset_raw(asset_group_id, asset_id=None, asset_body=None): """Utility to make BBcRelation object with BBcAssetRaw Args: asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id of the asset in the object asset_id (bytes): the identifier of the asset asset_body (str|bytes|dict): asset data Returns: BBcRelation: created BBcRelation object """ relation = BBcRelation(version=2) ast = BBcAssetRaw() relation.add(asset_group_id=asset_group_id, asset_raw=ast) ast.add(asset_id=asset_id, asset_body=asset_body) return relation
[docs]def make_relation_with_asset_hash(asset_group_id, asset_ids=None): """Utility to make BBcRelation object with BBcAssetHash Args: asset_group_id (bytes): asset_group_id of the asset in the object asset_ids (list(bytes)): list of the identifiers of assets Returns: BBcRelation: created BBcRelation object """ relation = BBcRelation(version=2) ast = BBcAssetHash() relation.add(asset_group_id=asset_group_id, asset_hash=ast) ast.add(asset_ids=asset_ids) return relation
[docs]def add_pointer_in_relation(relation, ref_transaction_id=None, ref_asset_id=None): """Utility to add BBcRelation object with BBcPointer in the BBcRelation object Args: relation (BBcRelation): BBcRelation object to manipulate ref_transaction_id (bytes): transaction_id of the transaction that the base transaction object refers to ref_asset_id (bytes): asset_id of the asset that the transaction object refers to """ pointer = BBcPointer(transaction_id=ref_transaction_id, asset_id=ref_asset_id) relation.add(pointer=pointer)
[docs]def recover_signature_object(data): """Unpack signature data Args: data (bytes): Serialized data of BBcSignature object Returns: BBcSignature: BBcSignature object """ sig = BBcSignature() sig.unpack(data) return sig
[docs]def to_bigint(val, size=32): dat = bytearray(to_2byte(size)) dat.extend(val) return dat
[docs]def to_8byte(val): return val.to_bytes(8, 'little')
[docs]def to_4byte(val): return val.to_bytes(4, 'little')
[docs]def to_2byte(val): return val.to_bytes(2, 'little')
[docs]def to_1byte(val): return val.to_bytes(1, 'little')
[docs]def get_n_bytes(ptr, n, dat): return ptr+n, dat[ptr:ptr+n]
[docs]def get_n_byte_int(ptr, n, dat): return ptr+n, int.from_bytes(dat[ptr:ptr+n], 'little')
[docs]def get_bigint(ptr, dat): size = int.from_bytes(dat[ptr:ptr+2], 'little') return ptr+2+size, dat[ptr+2:ptr+2+size]
def bin2str_base64(dat): import binascii return binascii.b2a_base64(dat, newline=False).decode("utf-8")
[docs]def bin2str_base64(dat): import binascii return binascii.b2a_base64(dat, newline=False).decode("utf-8")
[docs]def validate_transaction_object(txobj, asset_files=None): """Validate transaction and its asset Args: txobj (BBcTransaction): target transaction object asset_files (dict): dictionary containing the asset file contents Returns: bool: True if valid tuple: list of valid assets tuple: list of invalid assets """ digest = txobj.digest() for i, sig in enumerate(txobj.signatures): if sig.pubkey is None: continue try: if not sig.verify(digest): return False, (), () except: return False, (), () if asset_files is None: return True, (), () # -- if asset_files is given, check them. valid_asset = list() invalid_asset = list() for idx, evt in enumerate( if evt.asset is None: continue asid = evt.asset.asset_id asset_group_id = evt.asset_group_id if asid in asset_files: if asset_files[asid] is None: continue if evt.asset.asset_file_digest != hashlib.sha256(bytes(asset_files[asid])).digest(): invalid_asset.append((asset_group_id, asid)) else: valid_asset.append((asset_group_id, asid)) for idx, rtn in enumerate(txobj.relations): if rtn.asset is None: continue asid = rtn.asset.asset_id asset_group_id = rtn.asset_group_id if asid in asset_files: if asset_files[asid] is None: continue if rtn.asset.asset_file_digest != hashlib.sha256(bytes(asset_files[asid])).digest(): invalid_asset.append((asset_group_id, asid)) else: valid_asset.append((asset_group_id, asid)) return True, valid_asset, invalid_asset
[docs]def verify_using_cross_ref(domain_id, transaction_id, transaction_base_digest, cross_ref_data, sigdata): """Confirm the existence of the transaction using cross_ref Args: domain_id (bytes): target domain_id transaction_id (bytes): target transaction_id of which existence you want to confirm transaction_base_digest (bytes): digest obtained from the outer domain cross_ref_data (bytes): packed BBcCrossRef object sigdata (bytes): packed signature Returns: bool: True if valid """ cross = BBcCrossRef(unpack=cross_ref_data) if cross.domain_id != domain_id or cross.transaction_id != transaction_id: return False dat = bytearray(transaction_base_digest) dat.extend(to_2byte(1)) dat.extend(to_4byte(len(cross_ref_data))) dat.extend(cross.pack()) digest = hashlib.sha256(bytes(dat)).digest() sig = BBcSignature(unpack=sigdata) return sig.verify(digest) == 1